This idli has its origin in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It is much softer and fluffy in texture and has a distinct white colour. In Tamil mallige means jasmine flower. The ingredients are different from the basic idli. We had this idli for the first time at Annapoorna Hotel, Coimbatore long time back in 1996 when we were posted there. It used to be in great demand at the hotel and late comers often missed it. That time I never knew the ingredients for making this idli. Thanks to Navi who taught me this.
1. Raw rice or idli rice – 2 cups
2. Urad dal (black grams) – ½ cup
3. Rice flakes(poha) – ½ cup
4. Sago (sabudana) – ½ cup
5. Salt
6. Fenugreek (methi) – 1tsp
1. Wash and soak separately the rice, urad dal, rice flakes, sago and methi for 4-5 hours.
2. Grind together urad dal, methi and rice flakes to a fine light batter adding water as required for grinding. Keep aside.
3. Grind rice and sago together into a paste.
4. Mix both the batter well stirring for some time. Keep aside for 7-8 hours for fermentation. Add salt and mix well.
5. Pour the batter into idli moulds and steam cook it.
1. If the batter is not fermented properly the idli won’t be that smooth.
2. Use of ice cold water while grinding in mixie will give better results.
3. Serve with sambar, chutney, etc.
4. The water used for soaking can be used for grinding.